Sunday, May 5, 2024

Even though the nutritional properties of milk and dairy products has been realized for centuries, specific attributes are still being discovered.

Tom Noyes, dairy agent for OSU Extension in Wayne County write about the need to manage heat stress in a dairy herd. When a herd averages over 70 pounds of milk per day, the cows generate a lot of heat. Heat stress becomes more a big problem.

Numerous Ohio farmers hire workers to complete machinery operations and other farm related work due to lack of equipment, time or expertise.Many farm business...

The Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum is a national educational program for livestock producers designed to help them understand and manage the nutrient balance of their farming operations.

Happy holidays to all of our northeast Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania dairy farmers. It is hard to believe that 2010 is coming to a...

Since September 2006, U.S. corn has not traded under $3/bushel -- not one single time -- and chances are good that we will never see corn under $3 per bushel ever again. Meanwhile, milk prices have played yo-yo like never before.

Ernie Oelker writes about Mike Brubaker's megatrends in agriculture.

A recent article in another farm publication reminded me of some of the issues facing Columbiana County land owners.

It’s that busy time a year, when trying to get the crops planted and worrying about getting the first cutting of hay off is...

Hello northeast Ohio dairy farmers. OSU Extension is saying cheese again! OSU Extension is sponsoring a three-day basic cheesemaking course geared for local dairy,...