Sunday, May 5, 2024

The dairy industry in Ohio contributes significantly to the state’s economy and in the provision of food well beyond the borders of Ohio. This industry ranks third in agricultural receipts and first in receipts from animal operations.

Gustavo Schuenemann and Jeffrey Workman answer frequently asked pandemic questions that Ohio State University Extension receives when visiting farms.
spring sunrise with flower

Covid, worldly news, the cost of inflation and weather have us all questioning the normalcy of life. Bonnie Ayars weighs in on the meaning of normal now.

It's never too early to start thinking about who will take over your farm's management responsibilities.

What a difference a year has made. Last year we were in the middle of one of the nicest spring planting seasons on record. Now, this year's spring is making a run for the record books as one of our all time worst springs.

We are bombarded with advice from all directions. It comes first from our parents and family, and then it is spoken by friends, teachers, 4-H advisers, and other adults (like Extension educators!).

Planting warm season annual grasses is a feasible way to improve summer pastures or hay fields to maintain dry matter production during the summer slump. 

Dianne Shoemaker, northeast Ohio district dairy specialist with OSU Extension, adds refrigeration and pasteurization to the list of what we should be thankful for.

Don't brag about yourself, what you do or what you have accomplished. While this is surely a directive in some weighty volume of proper behavior, the referenced behavior is that of individuals - not the necessary behavior of a vital, exciting, important industry.

Maybe you consider yourself a good employer. Maybe your employees believe so. Or, maybe not. If you have had difficulty managing employees, it may be useful to learn some things you can do to become a better employer.