Sunday, May 5, 2024

Columnist Alan Guebert did not attend the Iowa Agricultural Summit March 7 in Des Moines because, oh dear, this is embarrassing, he was not invited.

Alan Guebert offers insight as to how Summit Carbon Solutions’ proposed carbon pipeline could yield massive profits while greenwashing even more oil money.

Had I known my professional life would center on chronicling the takeover of global ag business by global ag business, I would have listened more closely to Professor Lyle P.

Alan Guebert digs into the sale of an aging soybean processing plant in Estill, South Carolina, to former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue.

It was more a wavering non-waiver than another government oldie-but-goodie, a non-denial denial. Still, nothing in the Environmental Protection Agency's Dec. 1 delay to...

The scene, often repeated these bitterly political days, was straight out of Alice in Wonderland. On March 3, U.

If pushed to guess, I suspect that few of the lengthy, laudatory obituaries published the week after his Sept. 12 death would have pleased...

What was to be a clever, voter-sanctioned effort to fence out the animals-are-people-crowd in Ohio last year is, depending on your perspective, either a...

Baseball has its winter hot-stove league when teams and players wheel and deal in hopes of improving their World Series chances.
corn field

Change is what farmers and ranchers do. We also know that it's better to drive change before change drives us, according to Alan Guebert.