Saturday, May 18, 2024
Raised-bed garden

Julie Geiss recalls the first year she and her husband planted a herb and vegetable garden, or rather gardens.
paddle board

Julie Geiss and her family return home after a cross-country trip that ended in Montana to enjoy all the wonderful things home has to offer.
Claridon Woodlands

Encompassing 127 acres, Claridon Woodlands has plenty of space for a variety of outside fun and forested areas bright with color in the fall. 

Join Julie Geiss and her crew as they embark on “Operation Bullfrog” late at night under the cover of darkness.

Julie Geiss sheds some light on the origins and features of traditional Christmas plants like poinsettias, mistletoe and Christmas cacti.

Julie Geiss and her family enjoy wildlife sightings at Everglades National Park.
terrace boardwalk trail

Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis, Wyoming seemed like a mini Yellowstone experience, without crowds for Julie Geiss and her husband on a recent trip.
blue heron

Julie Geiss shares some recent experiences with nature that have mesmerized her and her children.
disc golf

Julie Geiss and her family recently took up disc golf. Their most recent trip was close to home at the Mill Creek MetroPark farm in Canfield.
winter sunrise

It is the harshness of winter that makes Julie Geiss appreciate the long days of summer. Now that we're past winter solstice, longer days are coming.