Saturday, May 4, 2024
Pioneer Pavilion

Julie Geiss and her family recently chose to start puppy training at one of the oldest buildings in Youngstown, Pioneer Pavilion.
chicken noodle

Sometimes love is realized in familiar smiles and meals from scratch. Julie Geiss shares the memories that recently resurfaced in her daily life.
Linville Falls

Choosing the scenic route on their way back to Ohio from North Carolina, Julie Geiss and her daughter stopped to visit Linville Falls.
1920s illustration

If she could have lived in another decade, Julie Geiss would have chosen the early part of the 1920s.
Mohican State Park Bridge

Julie Geiss' family made their first camping trip of the season to Mohican State Park, exploring 1,100 acres of trees, trails and natural treasures.
Settlers Cabin Park

Julie Geiss visits Settlers Cabin Park in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and marvels at the extent of the restoration projects taking place there.
Ohio forest

Forest bathing allows people to absorb the forest atmosphere, which can have both psychological and physical health benefits.
Eastern spiny softshell turtle

Julie Geiss explains how her woods and fields became Neverland this summer as her sons and their cousins became Lost Boys in search of new adventures.

Julie Geiss reminds us that our national treasure is the collective group of veterans that have defended our freedom across the globe.