Saturday, May 18, 2024
Old Faithful

Julie Geiss and her family continue their trek West all the way to Yellowstone National Park, the crown jewel of the park system.

Julie Geiss and her family enjoyed a bike ride from the Carnegie Science Center along the river to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History on Forbes Avenue.
chicken noodle

Sometimes love is realized in familiar smiles and meals from scratch. Julie Geiss shares the memories that recently resurfaced in her daily life.
Linville Falls

Choosing the scenic route on their way back to Ohio from North Carolina, Julie Geiss and her daughter stopped to visit Linville Falls.
Eastern spiny softshell turtle

Julie Geiss explains how her woods and fields became Neverland this summer as her sons and their cousins became Lost Boys in search of new adventures.
Two rainbow trout swimming.

Pennsylvania has an extensive trout stocking program — about 3.2 million adult trout are added to 128 lakes and 696 streams across the state.
Beaver Creek State Park

Julie Geiss and her family visit Beaver Creek State Park.
Kym Seabolt's house

Kym Seabolt takes on the big hill in her yard with her new lawn tractor.
Whipp's Ledges

Julie Geiss and her son enjoy a rock climbing adventure at Whipp's Ledges, a part of Hinckley Reservation and the Cleveland Metroparks.
Settlers Cabin Park

Julie Geiss visits Settlers Cabin Park in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and marvels at the extent of the restoration projects taking place there.