Saturday, May 18, 2024
face mask

Kymberly Foster-Seabolt offers advice on how to handle comments from others on your mask or lack of mask when you're out in public.

Over the river and through the wood to Grandmother’s house we go! It’s a refrain as old as the hills — or at least as...

By the time you read this, it will be Christmas.
Kym Seabolt's cat Kia on her new cabinet

Kymberly Foster Seabolt remembers that broken things can be put back together. More importantly, that perfection is definitely overrated.

It has come to my attention that parents, particularly at this time of year, spend a lot of time worrying themselves silly over one thing and one thing only, a concern so deep it literally wakes them from a sound sleep, apoplectic over some concern relating to: Santa.

I am a soccer mom and I am OK with that.

My cousin and I started our "Two Trippin' Moms Adventures" when our children were very young. Bidding the daddies goodbye, we buckled in a...

When we saw this Grande Dame of a house it was love at first sight. Three stories, original woodwork, pocket doors, soaring ceilings, a...
dumbbells and tennis shoes

Kymberly Foster Seabolt ponders where her children's enthusiasm for an active lifestyle came from, envying their seemingly, endless energy.
old sink

The Seabolt's face the new year with yet another new project: operation bathroom renovation number 977, or so it seems.