Sunday, May 5, 2024

I have often said that the reason I enjoy being a “columnist,” rather than a “journalist” is that the former can use random numbers like a “jzillion dollars” without remorse, while the latter has to report with accuracy on dull-as-dishwater things like the Gross National Product and how much it costs to fill the pothole in front of your house. (Curiously, about a “jzillion dollars.”)

I am not "the outdoor type." I made clear early on that Mr. Wonderful, an avid athlete and outdoorsman, had made a poor choice in mates. He did not marry anyone even remotely "self-sufficient" or "outdoorsy."

I tend to be fine with the passing of my own birthday. I don’t get overly excited about the new year and the start...
mantel decorations

A little redecorating works wonders at the Seabolt home.

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt discovered the bliss of sending the kids to bed early. Every night.

You have no idea how many times I have thanked the good Lord for creating me in this century. He, in his infinite wisdom, knew exactly what he was doing when he put me in a time period blessed with hot running water and warm toasty furnaces.

The most common misconception in America today is that criminals are crafty, cunning and smart. In reality, I think most people turn to a life of crime because they are just too stupid to do anything else.

The danger of writing about your life, yourself and your family is that you are always in grave danger of becoming one of "those...

The phrase "7th-grade formal dance" makes about as much sense to me as saying "toddler driving lessons." That aside, it seems to be the...

As usual I was just minding my own business when natured decided to brutally attack me. True story. I was driving at a manageable...