Saturday, May 18, 2024
Little Pasture on the Prairie

Little Pasture on the Prairie


Eliza Blue enjoys a sky full of stars on a recent pasture walk on her South Dakota ranch.

Eliza Blue finds comfort and hope in the resilient little kitten she's been tasked with bottle feeding around the clock.
Clun Forest sheep

The Clun Forest sheep have performed better than Eliza Blue could have hoped, especially during lambing season.

Maybe, this will be the year Eliza Blue sets some better boundaries around her time so she can say "yes" more often to the things that feed her soul.
empty nest

Early in the summer, two gray birds with pale yellow chest feathers started building a nest in the exterior eave of one of Eliza Blue's outbuildings.

Eliza Blue is reminded that dealing with livestock and weather are two entities only a fool would claim mastery over.

Eliza Blue is better than no help at all around the ranch, but sometimes only barely. Recently, she leveled up to cattle sorting.

This is the part of the summer when Eliza Blue discovers what the defining insect infestation of the season is going to be. It looks like grasshoppers.
lamb in pasture

Eliza Blue learned lessons she expected to during lambing season this year. With the help of Mother Nature, it turned out to be her most successful one yet.

South Dakota's mosquito season is typically gentler than other places Eliza Blue has lived, but this year has been a different story.