Saturday, July 27, 2024
Little Pasture on the Prairie

Little Pasture on the Prairie

sheep dog

Eliza Blue's outdoor pets love to wait at the back patio for their morning breakfast. She finds it endearing. The man of the ranch is not as amused.
snowshoe hare

Eliza Blue and her family are waiting out another cold snap in South Dakota.
Clun Forest sheep

The small flock of Clun Forest sheep Eliza Blue brought home a few months ago have been everything she ever hoped for in sheep.
Fog and cows.

Eliza Blue discusses how she and her friend, Heather Benson, use the fog calendar to predict precipitation.

Eliza Blue ponders letting go of things you can't control and how to appreciate the inevitable cold of winter.
prairie flowers

Eliza Blue reflects on the changing of the seasons in a new home.
empty nest

Early in the summer, two gray birds with pale yellow chest feathers started building a nest in the exterior eave of one of Eliza Blue's outbuildings.

Rising egg prices remind Eliza Blue to be grateful for the small bounty her aging flock of hens provide her and her family each day.

Despite the mess they create and their other qualities that make keeping them difficult, Eliza Blue has given in and gotten herself a few ducklings.
spring dew

Eliza Blue doesn't remember ever appreciating the splendor of a seasonal change more than she is right now.