Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Little Pasture on the Prairie

Little Pasture on the Prairie

glass of milk

On a trip to a small family farm in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, Eliza Blue discovered an interesting breed of sheep being used for milk production.

Despite the mess they create and their other qualities that make keeping them difficult, Eliza Blue has given in and gotten herself a few ducklings.

It's been a rough year for Eliza Blue with continued health problems. However, in her darkest days, she's realized she is her own light.
splitting wood

Perhaps enlightenment isn't an antidote to the drudgery of mundane chores. Rather, enlightenment is discovering the joy inherent within these tasks.

Eliza Blue is better than no help at all around the ranch, but sometimes only barely. Recently, she leveled up to cattle sorting.
cottonwood trees

Eliza Blue marvels at the small grove of cottonwood trees on her South Dakota ranch, recalling indigenous Americans' teachings about the trees.
Clun Forest sheep

The Clun Forest sheep have performed better than Eliza Blue could have hoped, especially during lambing season.
barn kittens

Eliza Blue reflects on balancing act that is life.
barn kittens

It's too bad cat ranching isn't a lucrative business model. Because if it was, Eliza Blue would have all the success.
Clun Forest sheep

The small flock of Clun Forest sheep Eliza Blue brought home a few months ago have been everything she ever hoped for in sheep.