Sunday, May 5, 2024

Each day since that July morning when I took a ride in an ambulance has been interesting. Some days the earth is steady beneath my feet.

The next afternoon after this tragedy, a beautiful autumn day, I was pleasantly surprised to come home and find our little Amish neighbor girls, Anna and Lizzie, here in our back yard, picking up walnuts as we had told them they were welcome to do.

I enjoy keeping an eye on fashion. Not that I dress so well, but I've always been fascinated by handbags and, impervious to my husband's dismay at my overflowing boxes of footwear, I feel there's definitely a certain shoe that completes the look of every outfit.

Spring is in the air! Isn't springtime in northeast Ohio a wonderful time? Gone (hopefully) are the howling winter winds and we all are crossing our fingers for a warm, dry spring.

PRAYER We all know that breathing is essential to stay alive. Praying is also essential to stay spiritually alive. Prayer time is not always easy for...

Not all gifts come wrapped in ribbons and bows. There is no gift like peace of mind for those who are embattled and bone-tired.

Tis the season to be ... worried. I spent this holiday season in complete knots over an opportunity — a marvelous one I had...
laptop, notebook, desk

If your goal is bigger than "making it through the busy season," then that can help you focus on what matters most.
dairy summit perdue

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue hails the 2018 Farm Bill and renewed dairy margin coverage program, calling it a "good time" to be in dairy, despite Pennsylvania dairy farmers' concerns that production costs far outweigh their portion of the profits.

As the end of June edges into sight, my mind floats back to those hot, long days on the southern Illinois dairy farm of...