Sunday, May 5, 2024

The voices of owls and frogs subside in September, allowing insect sounds to dominate. Learn more about what to listen for on late summer nights.
soybean harvesting

Marlin Clark offers insight into corn and soybean futures, following Labor Day weekend.

Shaena Mallett, director, said they wanted to strike a balance. “… That’s something I wanted to be honest about with Farmsteaders — farming is beautiful and hard,” she said. “I wanted to share the perspective that hard isn’t bad, and in fact some of the most worthwhile endeavors we could possibly take on may also be the most difficult.” Agriculture seems to be the topic du jour these days — for politicians, entertainers and, well, everyone. That’s why Mallett’s storytelling struck me. It’s poignant without being pretentious.

The sausage stuffer didn't stump you, but maybe these stacking cans will. Give us your guess on this week's latest Hazard submission.
migratory birds

Did you know many songbirds travel at night during migration? Scott Shalaway offers insight on how and why birds migrate south for the winter.
yellow nutsedge

Learn to understand how yellow nutsedge reproduces and thrives to better manage it in your forage crop fields and pastures.
dog treats

Training a puppy again has been both fun and maddening for Judith Sutherland. But it's been worth it.
bucket trucks coming up Kym Seabolt's driveway

A downed electric pole, a taskforce of linemen and a couple of nosey goats keep things interesting in Kym Seabolt's latest adventure.
duck decoy

Old decoys represent hunters past, they attract hunters present, and they promise good hunting in days ahead.
cows in milking parlor

15 Measures of Dairy Farm Competitiveness is an Ohio State University Extension publication that has undergone revisions and is now available.