Saturday, May 4, 2024
buttercup, the porch goat

Kymberly Foster Seabolt offers details on the recent jailbreaks of her squirrely goats.
alfalfa field

Weeds can also be a problem if they were not properly managed prior or just after seeding the alfalfa.
Farm to table dinner

The 2019 OSU Agritourism Conference at Maize Valley Winery will inspire, educate and connect farmers looking to start or grow their agritourism business.

Find out where all new plant biomass — the leaves, stems and blossoms — originates during springtime.
sunset on a farm

There are many organizations you can join to get involved in land conservation. Learn where to start and how to become a better caretaker of your land.
Kym Seabolt table

This year for Valentine's Day Mr. Wonderful crafts Kymberly Foster Seabolt a custom table.

Quicksand forms in an area where soil is very high in sand when the water saturation level makes liquid mud that can trap anything it comes in contact with.
cattle in pasture

The financial stress of running a dairy farm continues to take a toll on your physical and mental health. Find out what you can do to manage the stress.

It's called Gyotaku, the art of transferring the image of a caught fish to a printable material.
dollar sign and chart

USDA sees just a $1.9 billion growth in net farm income over the coming 10 years — from a $77.6 billion forecast in 2019 to $79.5 billion in 2028.