Sunday, May 19, 2024

If you've ever seen what you thought was a miniature kangaroo hopping across a grassy field, you weren't seeing things — it was a jumping mouse.
dairy cattle

There was no "shutdown" — not in the U.S. government sense, anyway — on the southern Illinois dairy farm of Alan Guebert's youth.
soybean field at sunset

Grain market update: Prices are stagnant, looking for news. The news is all about trade negotiations with China, and there is no real news.
library books

Kymberly Foster Seabolt believes libraries are truly the heart of our society, as she recalls past visits with her children and her most recent trip.
Soil and Water goals headline

"Healthy Soil and Pure Water" are the goals of the Holmes Soil and Water Conservation District, and of every soil and water conservation district in Ohio.
Ag trade photo

In his column this week, Alan Guebert explores the motivation behind the UK's exit from the EU and draws parallels to political policy in the U.S.
corn kernels and dollar bills

A variety of factors are forcing lenders to be more critical of loan applications. Use these tips to help your lender as they review your loan application.

Species that can adjust to changes in habitat or food availability can thrive. Among the most adaptable species are gray and fox squirrels.

The Earthworm Tractor Co., located in Earthworm City, Illinois, made crawler tractors and had a head salesman by a man named Alexander Botts.
deer antler

February and shed hunt fit together just as well and maybe better than left and right.