Friday, May 3, 2024
aerial farmland

It’s hard to think of summer without thinking of the many neighbors who shared the southern Illinois heat, humidity and mosquitoes on the dairy farm of my youth.

Drive slowly on back roads at night to see a steady parade of frogs, toads and even Efts.

The outdoors experience is like none other, but you have to put in some effort.
Grazing lambs

The grazier needs to be aware of the parasite status of the herd or flock and how grazing management and pasture rotation are connected to parasite management.
traction engine

I suppose this title can be applied to most any area of human endeavor but if we are thinking of steam engines and steam shows, which is my usual field, many details come to mind.
wheat field, Lake Erie, water quality,

A career in calling the markets means a career of natural mistakes.
produce at farmers market

Marketing is an area many farmers fall short. Here are some tools for a successful marketing campaign for your farm.

An effective vaccination program is important to minimize disease risk and maximize productivity and profitability of your farm.
boy's foot on soccer ball

"Mom, I need new cleats." I think I have heard some variation of this sentence for 15 years now.
Angus cattle grazing

Critics are coming down on multitasking as a robber of focus, especially when it calls for complex interactions that distract from the primary task.