Friday, May 3, 2024

We think it's time for a change, and after months of consideration, planning, and reviewing trial layouts created by graphic artist Karen Johnson, we've come up with a new look.

Only the most optimistic think the 2018 farm bill will be done before the current farm bill expires Sept. 30. Editor Susan Crowell shares why.
One Post Bed

Pioneers did not have many of the conveniences we enjoy today, starting with sleeping arrangements and living conditions inside cramped cabins.

Anyone remember Green Stamps? Or Plaid stamps, Top Value stamps, or several other less popular ones?Trade stamps, in various denominations and amounts depending upon...
kid on a quad

If you want to make herd improvement, by all means, gather all the data and tools and talk to all the people, but at some point you've just got to jump in.

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt rationalizes about the state of her kitchen.

In his classic, A Sand County Almanac (1949), wildlife biologist Aldo Leopold described the male American woodcock’s courtship display as a “sky dance.” I...

Hello Again!Do you know what numismatics is? This is the scientific study of money and its history in varied forms. Barter was considered the...

This has been the summer of worrying about maturing crops, of enjoying the rains that were filling the soybeans and struggling to bale hay without getting it rained on three times.
Farmer milking cows

Establishing and teaching protocols for crucial farm tasks form the foundation of training farm employees.