Saturday, May 4, 2024

Improved technology provides better communication media, and a way for Tom Downing to watch steam shows from afar.

Antique columnist Roy Booth writes about silver and its need to be cleaned.

New parents get advice from those who have been parenting for minutes, and those with decades of experience. Kymberly Seabolt's is not to worry so much.

"Each year when I arrive here, I notice the subtle changes on the dunes and the beach. I love this place and leaving is...

Enrollment for Dairy Margin Protection Program ends Sept. 30, for coverage in 2016.
cow grazing

Being raised on a farm is filled with work and joy, tempered with loss, wisdom and growth that can't be measured over the course of a childhood.

Familiar moments float to the surface of my memory pool at Easter time. I can't imagine anyone not enjoying leisure time with the Sunday comics, but I believe my fondness for the funnies traces back to the Easter mornings I spent with Dallas Clapsadle.

Editor Susan Crowell is excited for all that lies ahead in agriculture. "I want to do it all over again."

A poem about rural living and country folk by Bryce Angell.
Item No. 1255

Item No. 1255 has been submitted by Linda Mueller, of Wadsworth, Ohio. She discovered it in an old shop of her dad's. Can you help her determine what it is?