Friday, May 3, 2024

Hello again! As you may or may not have noticed, FSA Andy was missing last week. Sorry about that — he was in Newfoundland bear...

(By Cody Totten) Cover crops have become of growing interest throughout Ohio and the Midwest in general. But why would a farmer who is already...

In yet another testament to the careful inattention this office consistently pays to the career of its founding (and, as ever, only) staff member,...

This is the middle of July and we should be seeing sunshine and 85 degree weather. My hope for great crops is gone.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" . America, with all of its needs and problems, is still the greatest country in the...

Most of my friends and coworkers clearly understand that I possess more of a creative mind than an intellectual one. I function on energy and...

Once in a while, it is good to be reminded of the power of Mother Nature. Our daughter and friends were here one evening...

“If I’m gonna hit a traffic jam, well it better be a tractor man ... ” — Rodney Atkins I would like to apologize to all...

It’s guys only this week, an annual, time-honored opportunity to be free of time restraints, job demands and other every-day responsibilities. A time to...

The best of summer comes from the garden or a roadside produce stand; the worst lurks in our backyards. My favorite summer garden foods...