Saturday, May 4, 2024

With all that is taking place in our world today sometimes it is not always easy to cheer up. About the time you think things are going well suddenly out of nowhere the bottom falls out.

Over the years, I've read many sad tales in the tractor magazines of towing adventures going comically wrong (often with a real potential for disaster), and I've a few such stories of my own.

Farmers and ranchers tend to be on either side of the fence when it comes to social media. There are the hold-outs, the staunch supporters, the occasional users and the clueless.

The natural gas utility doesn't give me the time of day -- until they need money. They are like big utility versions of teenagers...

At the ripe old age of 8, I decided I wanted to be one of the Lennon sisters. It occurred to me that I...

Steve, his mom and I drove to the airport in Cleveland June 30 with our oldest son, Austen and put him on an airplane...

It seems as though "going green" is all the rage. But did you know the Farm Service Agency has been "going green" for many years?

In Farm and Dairy's Classified Advertising section -- we used to call them Want Ads -- there are always many intriguing headings. I enjoy reading the Dogs and Dog Supplies, Horses and Ponies, Hay and Grain, Miscellaneous and Wanted To Buy.

This is the time of year when harvest begins, and farmers become aware of where erosion and gullying is under way in their fields...

So corn is rockin' north of $7, beans are toyin' with $14, cattle look to be headed to who-knows-where and hogs, well, bacon is sellin' for what steak used to.