Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hello Friends!This month's articles from FSA Andy will originate from the beautiful hills of Coshocton County. The Coshocton Fair began on Oct. 2, so...

When Columbus discovered the New World in 1492, the approximately 1 million Native Americans who occupied North America probably never realized they were lost,...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget (or at least 'hazard a guess' as to its use).

Economists like the markets to fix the world's ills, so maybe that's why so many of them back the cap-and-trade solution to greenhouse gas...

The two, almost-funny moments in The Informant!, Hollywood's comedic treatment of the deadly serious, 1995 price fixing scandal at Archer Daniels Midland, failed to...

A steak sizzling on the grill is to a consumer what a cash register cha-ching is to a grocer. Despite economic conditions, those sweet...

Who remembers Who?And although I didn't plan to write about Who -- the list on the kitchen table on which I jot notes about...

A knock came on my door as I worked in the kitchen one late afternoon this past week. I was startled because I had...

You don't have to look outside to know what season it is in an Extension office. You can tell from the questions that come...

BARNESVILLE, Ohio — The Barnesville Progressive Home Helpers held a meeting Sept. 19 at the Main Street United Methodist Church in Barnesville. The fair...