Friday, May 3, 2024

Above: Note from a Farm and Dairy reader North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler was eating lunch with some staff members at a local restaurant...

As we wait for the USDA Planting Intentions Report, which is due March 31, we are seeing bullish enthusiasm return to the markets.

Never having lived with a cow, I know almost nothing about cows -- and I truly believe that unless you actually live with an...

By CHRIS PENROSEWhen we think of extending the grazing season, we usually think of how long we can go into the fall or winter...

Of the many talents Americans -- and especially American politicians -- have acquired in the last 25 years, coupling fact with fiction to create...

Most dairy farm businesses are not cash flowing. Some may be if they priced first half milk production using futures or options contracts when...

Dad looked frazzled. He fumbled through his winter coat pockets, then his jacket underneath, then his pants - both sides. What was he hunting? "Can...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Life is filled with choices -- some of them minor, some major -- and some that just seem to put everyone in a quandary.I...

Pretty much every crazy idea Mr. Wonderful and I have ever had probably started with a measuring tape. One moment we are sitting around,...