Saturday, May 4, 2024

It’s show time! Starting soon, Cleveland’s IX Center will be stuffed with boats and bucks as the annual Mid-American Boat Show and the Outdoor Adventure Show open under the same roof.
wheat closeup

The next real grain market news does not come until the March 31 USDA Planting Intentions Report. Currently we think that the acres will be several million below the planting of last year. Now comes the guessing.

All those veteran moms who picked up the baby's pacifier off the floor, wiped it on their pants and popped it back in baby's mouth knew something after all, says columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt.

When the lovely Catherine and I travel, we often follow a plan that is purposely vague. Sure, we know where we’re going, but the...

Take a good, critical look at the grazing resources on your farm, advises Holmes County Extension Agent Dean Slates in this week's "All About Grazing" column.

Biologists love to see species they have never seen before. The best places to see endemic species (those that occur only in isolated geographic...

Ag expert offers some background and specifics about mad cow disease.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced the Milk Income Loss Contract will kick in for February, the first time there has been a payment for MILC since April 2010.

What can we learn for our own farm's success from the missteps of Hostess, Kodak and J.C. Penney? Editor Susan Crowell weighs in.

Remember when high school prom was just a sweet little rite of passage? This, of course, was back before parents as a whole just went ahead and lost their minds.