Friday, May 3, 2024
cattle in snow

As we find ourselves in the middle of snowy season, Kymberly Seabolt explains that farm folk are built differently. Non-farmers don't always get it.

Once upon a time, there was a little boy and girl who loved sitting on their mama's lap and reading picture books.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

I suppressed my telephone monster one morning when the woman caller incorrectly pronounced my daughter Josie's first name, "May I speak to Nina (Nee-nah)?"...

Hello again! As we leave January behind we are pleased we have a new farm bill, which has passed the House, and we hope will...

Are you making sure you aren’t doing enough? Have you really embraced the vacation mindset and given yourself permission to let things go?

Hello Again! The 2008 farm bill was passed late, and because of that, we are late signing producers up for the 2008 DCP (Direct and...

Grain prices have mostly continued lower the last week, although wheat shows signs of a bottom and the soybeans have had erratic trading that seems like indecision day-traders taking profits.

Judith Sutherland celebrates her granddaughter's first birthday.

"Oh, It's the Nuts": An old commercial jingle for Fifth Avenue candy bars went something like that. Well, "Nuts to the nutty," as they...