Friday, May 3, 2024

Just at twilight, the doe and her fawn tiptoe up the back fence line, their ears alert to any move I might make as...

“There is an ever-increasing number of people, but the amount of land does not increase, therefore the amount of land per capita decreases, and...

Ernie Oelker, agricultural extension agent in Columbiana County, compares economic value of nitrogen fertilizers with using livestock manure as nutrient.

Stark County ag agent Denny Weilnau reminds producers not to ignore forage fertilization.
rock stack

Moving rocks or build rock piles has more adverse effects on the ecosystem than one would think. Find out why you shouldn't stack rocks on hikes.

Antique columnist Roy Booth writes of collecting paper dolls.
Cressleaf groundsel

It may still be early March but now is the time to consider the need for spring fertilizer or weed control in winter annual cereal forages.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Learn more about the ROW project, short for right-of-way, and how it's helped birds and pollinators survive.

Two old axioms of the grain trade cropped up in conversations last week. One is that a big crop keeps getting bigger. The other...