Friday, May 3, 2024

A few years ago, I wrote a column about how that upcoming summer’s gas was predicted to top $3 per gallon. At the time...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

I suppressed my telephone monster one morning when the woman caller incorrectly pronounced my daughter Josie's first name, "May I speak to Nina (Nee-nah)?"...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Own vs. owe. Two three-letter words and the last letter makes all the difference.

Despite my repeated attempts to make them listen to reason, our otherwise excellent school district suffers one fatal flaw: They think that 10-year-olds belong in middle school.

Everyone seems to like to talk about the weather and farmers probably lead the pack in a lot of those discussions. It is either...

According to two documents posted on Sen. Charles Grassley’s, R-Iowa, congressional Web site, the “grassroots” anti-ethanol media blitz that’s hitched today’s climbing food prices...

The extremely heavy book in my lap as I write this column is titled National Encyclopedia of Business and Social Forms and Embracing the...

Hello from Hazard!We reach back a few weeks to Item No. 832, because Mary June Crisco from Monterey, Va., just sent in her correct...