Friday, May 3, 2024

Now is the time for agriculture to communicate its advantages, as well as re-evaluate its traditions.

Cover crops are an old topic, but the benefits are worth repeating.

Don't even blink, or everything will be gone.That fire-red inferno of a maple tree now ablaze in the front yard will be naked.That birch...

Humane Society of the United States? Still don't trust 'em!
Old Faithful

Julie Geiss and her family continue their trek West all the way to Yellowstone National Park, the crown jewel of the park system.
hair scissors and comb

Judith Sutherland recalls the short bangs she had throughout her childhood and the ritual of having them trimmed just as they reached a reasonable length.

If most Americans followed commodity prices as blindly as they follow the Kardashians, the national dinner menu might well feature bushels of cheaper-by-the-day grains and teaspoons of record-priced pork, beef, poultry and fish.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.
agritourism no wifi connection

When it comes to limited rural broadband access, everyone has a story. That’s what we need to keep in mind with this discussion.
oak tree

Judith Sutherland reflects on the way trees in fields on farms serve as a marker for those of us who grow up in the wide-open spaces of farmland.