Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Item No. 1261

Help us identify Item No. 1261. Let us know what you think it may have been used for in the comments or by emailing editorial@farmanddairy.com.
Butler Oaks damage from Irma

While we’re protecting and caring for livestock every day, Editor Susan Crowell reminds us there’s a huge faction out there who says you are evil and should be stopped.

Cats of every color and every possible temperament have long been a part of just about any farm I have ever set foot on, and most can agree that they are good to have around if they are capable hunters.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget (or at least 'hazard a guess' as to its use).

The USDA would like some staff members to refer to "climate change" as "weather extremes" and "climate change adaption" as "resilience to weather extremes."
white-tailed deer

There is no longer the need to hunt for fur or survival in this part of the world, but there will always be the need to manage animal populations.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.
flooded pasture

Flood recovery can be a daunting task, so there are things to consider before allowing livestock into previously flooded pastures.

As the work-at-home mom-type person, I have become quite the hostess. Granted, not for cocktail parties, holiday dinners, or any gathering involving guests over the age of 10.

This is the part of the summer when Eliza Blue discovers what the defining insect infestation of the season is going to be. It looks like grasshoppers.