Monday, May 6, 2024

Officially, the 2004 presidential election kicked off Labor Day. Unofficially, the Bush re-election effort at the U.

The first political wisdom ever sent my way came from the gravelly throat of Everett Dirksen. During Dirksen's 1968 reelection stop in my southern Illinois hometown, I asked the white-maned Senate Minority Leader how he'd outflank Mayor Daley's Chicago vote machine.

Over time, many hunters develop an expertise about certain species. For some it's waterfowl; for others turkeys are the obsession. But for many, if not...

Since January, 38 million chickens have died in the U.S. either because of HPAI outbreaks or the culling of flocks where it was found.

Farming, with its demands, its solitude, new life and certain death, puts us in tune with the harsh, yet holy, cycle of life.

Three steps higher than the rest of our church's sanctuary, Carol and I noted how much hotter the air felt in just that slightly elevated area where we took our turn as elders during our Sunday worship service.

Having a diversity of plants in your pasture can be good for your farm — you may just have to diversify your operation.
grand teton

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about a race with his wife that he foolishly accepted.

Teary eyes glistened from the theater stage as the last performance ended. The cast, more than 50 teens from at least 19 schools, spent hours learning the book-thick music and lyrics of the school version of Les Miserables.

Regardless if March arrives with a lion's roar or a lamb's bleat, grain and livestock markets will spend each of its days sweating over the U.