Monday, June 17, 2024
Kym Seabolt's cat Kia on her new cabinet

Kymberly Foster Seabolt remembers that broken things can be put back together. More importantly, that perfection is definitely overrated.
livestock guardian dog and woods

Tarma Shena admits she's wrong, as Sakura, the fence-jumping livestock guardian dog, transitions into a job with no fence.

Because we have been working on this old house or another for the last 70 billion years someone will occasionally ask me why I...

Every December I get requests to reprint my version of 'Twas the Night before Christmas I first published in 1988. Merry Christmas everyone!
cattle farm

2020 has been a year of change. Maybe it's time change hit a little closer to home. Use these tips to make positive changes on your cattle farm or ranch.
grazing pasture

During summer, slow down the pasture rotation and allow more time for rest of the forages to recover. 

Today, I am writing this in on my mobile phone while my son is undergoing his Board of Review to become an Eagle Scout.

It’s not a coincidence that the world’s leading economic powers also are the world’s leading food importers.

I am the first to admit that sometimes I make a mess of things. I try to teach my kids that the best reaction is to 'fess up, take responsibility, fix what I can, learn from my mistakes and move on.

Julie Geiss shares some winter activities her family has participated in instead of cross-country skiing this year.