Sunday, May 26, 2024

Reader objects to earlier letter bashing President Bush.

Kymberly Seabolt contemplates both the benefits and pitfalls of online shopping.

I trimmed some overgrown weeds at the back of our house. Although they bother my wrists, I chose my manual hand trimmers because they are quiet compared to my electric trimmers.

Give a standing ovation to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a recent decision to remove the gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act in the western Great Lakes region.

"The U.S. Congress, which never ceases to be amazing, recently voted to give the Pentagon $11 billion more than it had asked for.

Each fiscal year Congress allocates the Farm Service Agency loan funds as part of the USDA budget. Congress makes allocations for each loan program:...

Sometimes, animals choose us. What would any farm be without a cast of characters from the animal world? The heart of an empathetic country squire is often large enough to encircle Mother Nature's castaways rather than just those animals they've enclosed within their barns or gates or crates.

Winter fast approaches and so does the Christmas holiday. I see large snowflakes blending with spattering rain as I wait to taxi my daughter Kathie and our neighbor Michael to school.

Feeding backyard birds can be as simple or as complicated as you choose to make it.

Planning is one of the most critical functions of management. Planning decisions can range from the short term of addressing the everyday "fires" of the farm business to long-range planning for retirement, transition and estate planning.