Monday, May 6, 2024

To be invoked by all PTO parents, volunteer parents, and room mothers (and fathers and "significant others") among us.

"Should we rent the marquee at the cinema or a lettered sign on a trailer?" "Let's compare prices." Later, after we checked, "The marquee is almost a hundred dollars for one week.
veggie burger

Despite continued evidence that the majority of Americans have a very limited appetite for non-meat meat and non-egg eggs, investors continue to invest.

Columnist Judie Sutherland may not have carried milk cans, but milking cows in a straight-eight stanchion parlor gives her a few braggin’ rights of her own.

Wages and benefits for farm employees are not only important to the employees, but to the employers as they try to provide fair compensation.

We are in the thick of the wonderful season that is Christmas at our home. The cookies, the caroling, the snow and the glow....

Our interaction with dogs as pets has evolved over the past 100 years, creating a whole bunch of specialty industries just for our furry family members.

South Dakota's mosquito season is typically gentler than other places Eliza Blue has lived, but this year has been a different story.

Purdue's Otto Doering: "We have a tendency in the U.S. to socialize losses and privatize gains." Don't expect to see much of that in the next farm bill.

There are so many everyday items that can improve the physical qualities or change the chemical components of your garden soil.