Friday, May 3, 2024

The above quote has circulated for several years now, and each time I read it, I feel, once again, it serves as a great reminder to us to live each day as though it could be our last.

The founding fathers got it right. But I'm not talking about Madison, Hamilton or Jefferson, I'm talking about Smith, Lever, Hatch and Morrill.

Twenty years ago on April 4, I awakened to a white glare outside the bedroom window, realized the glare was from snow, laughed aloud, burrowed back beneath the covers, and snoozed for another 30 minutes.

I remember when I first made the clear connection between what I wore and how I felt. It was the dawn of middle school, which in our district was seventh grade.

Libraries have always been a home away from home for me. Whether I stood beside the "stacks" (bookshelves) or in a privileged place behind the desk, I sensed at an early age the quiet, potential "wealth" around me.

The overall objective for calf bedding is to keep the calf clean, dry and comfortable - all critical factors for successfully raising healthy, happy calves.

Be it mere coincidence or clear symbolism, the delightfully early and deliciously warm spring enjoyed by farmers and ranchers came to a stone-cold halt just days after the U.

Isn't it odd how certain moments in time stay with us, remaining vibrant in our memories? I have one such memory, and while I can't explain why it stands out while others that were certainly more important have faded away, it is as clear as though it happened yesterday.

I have long enjoyed reading the anniversary notices in the county paper. It is these little nuggets of society news that tell us that Lula and Orville have enjoyed 75 years of wedded bliss (having wed, apparently, at or around age nine).

How to Eat a Poem Don't be polite. Bite in. Pick it up with your fingers and lick the juice that may run down your chin.