Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Every time I hear those opening lyrics, "the hills are alive with the sound of music" I feel compelled to stop what I am doing and sing along.

Adapt. Flex, Experience. Create. Focus. Partner. Shift. Imagine. Start. Enjoy. These are futurist Jim Carroll's 10 "great words for 2006," and they're a good fit for January's new beginnings.

Our Christmas gifts told the tale. My daughters have outgrown toys. Now, they are caught up in the micro-packaged world of encapsulated entertainment.

The Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum is a national educational program for livestock producers designed to help them understand and manage the nutrient balance of their farming operations.

From the high, clear-view perch of the new year, certain facts and events of 2006 are already visible.

Tell the truth. Especially to yourself. This brief directive came to me by way of a gift from a co-worker, a book titled Lists to Live By.

Up to now, I have resisted physical activity in the form of "working out" the way fish, say, resist learning to ride a bicycle.

It's that time again. Time for the annual "How I shall completely revamp my life in the New Year" passel of lies we all pass off as "resolutions.

No matter where each of us is at the end of 2005, when the clock strikes midnight, we shall have moved into a new year.

Forage can provide most of the nutritional requirements of a beef herd during the fall and winter. The challenge becomes the management of supplement due to variations in forage quality and growth.