Saturday, May 18, 2024

When used wisely, GMOs can alleviate disease and hunger. Educating people about the potential advantages and potential disadvantages of GMOs is important.

The dairy industry will continue to modernize with new herd management technology, robotic milkers and automated milk feeding systems.

Since alfalfa has begun to grow, metribuzin can't be applied to alfalfa this spring, unless you are in an area where plants have not begun to grow.

Helping get 4-H calves off to a healthy start begins at the dairy. Work with the youth that buy your calves to help them and their calf thrive.

How well each farm would fare through the coming years of substantially lower milk prices would be heavily influenced by the financial health of the farm going in.
Donald J. Trump

Most of the experts are saying we will see the most comprehensive tax reform since the tax reforms of 1986 by President Ronald Reagan.

Although social media allows us the privilege of expressing our personal emotions, it also provides the opportunity to distort the information.

Change may be necessary in how you view and measure success and how you manage your dairy farm if you want to ensure its survival.
Jersey cattle

Dairy farmers are operating in a very different market than their parents or grandparents did.

A total of 40 dairy enterprises participated in the 2015 Ohio Farm Business Analysis and Benchmarking Program, which includes data for more than 12,600 cows, representing nearly 5 percent of Ohio's dairy herd.