Thursday, May 2, 2024
chopping corn silage

Now is the time to be reviewing, servicing and preparing equipment used in the silage harvest process so that downtime doesn't decrease your silage quality.
alfalfa field

Reflect, plan and then implement plans for some key farming particles that will be occurring during the next five months of the year.

Now until pollination is the time to scout corn for fungal disease. Corn treated with fungicide had improved fermentation and better dry matter values.
hay bales

Yields have been good for baled forage in northeast Ohio. However, all costs should be considered before putting a price on extra hay.
Dairy cattle

High temperatures and uncomfortable humidity can be stressful for dairy cattle. Learn more about the effects of and managing heat stress in dairy cattle.
Dianne Shoemaker

If Dianne Shoemaker had to choose two words to describe the dairy industry over the past 36 years, "constant change" would be her pick.
Dianne Shoemaker

After more than 30 years with Ohio State University Extension, Dianne Shoemaker, field specialist in dairy production economics, is retiring June 30.

Planting warm season annual grasses is a feasible way to improve summer pastures or hay fields to maintain dry matter production during the summer slump. 
farmers hands on tool

Learn how to cope and how to support family members and the community at large when tragedy strikes.
farm workers

Many farm and non-farm businesses are struggling to attract good employees. Ohio State University Extension educator David Marrison has some advice.