Friday, May 3, 2024
beans and watermelon seeds

Seed starting containers and homemade potting medium can be made with just a few supplies.
boer goats

Goats are superior land managers; they will clear overgrown areas of crop and pasture of unwanted vegetation, overbearing brush and invasive plants.
rendering lard

Like many homespun skills, DIY lard is making a comeback.
mason jar candle

Put leftover canning jars to use with these simple and fun crafts.

Clear, consistent record keeping is much easier and more efficient than rustling through a box of receipts at tax time.
homemade laundry detergent

Many cleaning companies have begun to offer natural versions of commercial cleansers as consumers gain eco-consciousness, but these cleaners can easily be made at home.

"Heritage" is an umbrella term that embraces pure breeds of livestock and poultry with deep histories in the United States. And many farmers are working to bring them from the brink of extinction.
mail order chicks

Backyard chickens are common in rural areas, but chicken farming is becoming increasingly popular in urban areas, especially with Millennials.

After the hectic holiday has passed, gardeners will begin sorting through their big piles of seed catalogs to choose spring seed.
corn husk angel

Kids get a kick out of making angels from corn husks, but also enjoy filling glass ornaments with seeds. Even the teenagers in the family tolerate spray painting components for the baskets.