Friday, April 19, 2024
moon garden collage

What does the lunar cycle have to do with gardening? Learn the basic principles of moon gardening, a practice used by Ancient Romans and Native Americans that is still talked about today.
Eastern mole

New baits and repellents for moles work better than the home remedies some people swear by, and trapping is still one of the most efficient means of controlling moles.
onions and potatoes

Learn how to grow onion sets and why you should plant seed potatoes instead of potatoes from the supermarket.
corn planter

It may be too cold now, but this is a good time to get ready for planting.
grilled cheese

It doesn’t take much extra effort to turn your normal grilled cheese into inside-out grilled cheese.
succulents with "growing succulents indoors: 6 tips" text

Succulents are easy to grow as long as attention is paid to environment, light, soil, water, fertilizer and pest control.
dandelion collage

Although most people consider dandelions weeds, the plant has been used as food and medicine for hundreds of years.
morel mushroom

The guide to morel hunting, cleaning and cooking morel mushrooms for backyard farmers.
Easter lily

Easter lilies are a symbol of hope and peace of the Resurrection, and they are also a symbol of spring. Here are tips for care during the Easter season and year-round.
Egyptian walking onion

Perennial food plants are unique because they produce several seasons of crops over many years. Learn why you should grow perennial foods, and get 8 recommendations for perennials to include in your food garden.