Sunday, May 5, 2024
apple tree

This time of year, farm markets will advertise their fresh apples for sale and u-pick opportunities.
July gardening

This month, prune flowers, keep up with your garden’s watering and weeding needs and continue to manage pests.

As the region continues to experience one of the coldest, snowiest winters in recent years, growers and producers can take measures to ensure their safety in increasingly hazardous outdoor conditions.

Sows may require 25 percent more nutrients in winter to accommodate for additional seasonal demands.

The most anticipated dish of Thanksgiving dinner is up for debate, but to some, the turkey just can’t be beat.
holiday dinner table

Careful preparation, cooking, and healthy eating are important, especially during the holiday season.
Carving turkey

Eating leftovers the weekend after Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be boring.
how to freeze eggs

Why freeze eggs? Sometimes you have more eggs than you can sell or eat. Finding a way to preserve those little gems is important.

November is a good time for beef producers to assess their pastures and facilities and take care of some routine tasks to prepare their cattle operations for winter, a Purdue Extension beef specialist said.
Flu shot

Flu season is upon us. Learn more about prevention and the vaccine to lessen the likelihood of falling ill.