Sunday, May 26, 2024

In Judith Sutherland's family, loving and caring for animals comes easy — even from a young age.

As we were celebrating Independence Day, it was not a day to think of what we pay, but what we owe to enjoy the freedoms that we do.

Judith Sutherland reflects on her summer camp experiences in the second installment of a two-part series.

Summer church camp left Judith Sutherland with many fond memories and a longing to return each year.

Stretching across the rural countryside, miles of railroad track makes Judith Sutherland long for the experience of hopping on a train once in her lifetime.

Neighborhood "dumps" have become a thing of the past almost overnight as society marches towards better regulation of what gets pitched, and where.

Over the last decade, Judith Sutherland has watched her willow tree fill out in all the best ways for tree climbing.
canada geese

It is in our daily choice of how to approach and accept every bit of life with a happy heart that makes all the difference.

Down through decades of society's leanings, one undeniable difference is the once-held notion that children are to be seen and not heard.

Judith Sutherland recalls her own childhood experiences hunting mushrooms during the height of the season.