Saturday, May 18, 2024
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

reusable bag with recycling symbol

Learn more about lifestyle changes that can positively impact the environment.
Spotted lanternfly

Most importantly, if you see a spotted lanternfly, let your inner child fly and stomp on that bug as hard and fast as you can.
ruffed grouse

Learn more about the disappearance of the once common Ohio game bird, the ruffed grouse, how to help them recover and how to report brood sightings to ODNR.
grazing pasture

During summer, slow down the pasture rotation and allow more time for rest of the forages to recover. 

Deciding if and when to cut timber, and selling it, can be very overwhelming. Ohio has a program for landowners to "Call Before You Cut." Learn more.
rock stack

Moving rocks or build rock piles has more adverse effects on the ecosystem than one would think. Find out why you shouldn't stack rocks on hikes.
Crimson clover & annual ryegrass cover crop allen dean farms

Cover crops help to manage soil erosion, fertility, quality, water, weeds, pests and disease. They also provide organic matter and nutrients to the soil.
pearl millet

Summer annuals can be great crops to grow during the summer slump. With relatively low input costs, they can have a very high return on investment.

Learn some simple backyard conservation practices that won't make you public enemy No. 1 in the neighborhood.
Barn and farmland

If you're considering starting a small farm, ask yourself these questions first, learn what you need to consider and where you can go to find answers.