Saturday, May 4, 2024
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

Mohican State Park

If you've been looking for an escape this year, you might find what you're looking for in nature.

Learn more about resources to help you improve the health of your forest, or make it more financially viable or environmentally sustainable.

With fall and winter knocking, chimney maintenance is a priority before firing up your wood burner. Learn how to properly clean and inspect your chimney.
Autumn leaves on green grass.

Recycling leaves can help you reduce the cost of purchased landscape products, make your soil more fertile, reduce weed germination and protect the environment.
Healthy soil

Soil tests can provide a lot of information that can help guide you with what you should be putting on your fields.
Raised-bed garden

Residents are now planting more gardens, utilizing more of the natural resources on their own land and sourcing local amid COVID-19.
no-till manure spreader

Learn to measure the nutrients in your soil to properly manage your manure application this fall.
children playing in a stream

Parents, get outside so that the next generation gets to have that fun and sense of wonder about nature, wildlife, trees, streams and wildflowers.
reusable bag with recycling symbol

Learn more about lifestyle changes that can positively impact the environment.
Spotted lanternfly

Most importantly, if you see a spotted lanternfly, let your inner child fly and stomp on that bug as hard and fast as you can.