Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Administrative Secretary Louis “Lou” Sallie has announced his retirement after 25 years in the top post. Sam Kieffer will be his successor.
Ava Lonneman and chicken

Ava Lonneman, of Portage County, Ohio, is the winner of the National 4-H Council’s 2017 Youth In Action Pillar Award for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). She will serve as a spokesperson for 4-H STEM programming across the nation.
Corn harvest 2016

The company that grain commentator Marlin Clark works for has a new name, but same focus.

If you’d like to grow fresh fruits and vegetables without the challenges of a traditional garden, a straw bale garden may be the right choice for you.
The Ohio Statehouse.

Farmers continue their effort to improve Ohio's farmland tax formula, known as CAUV.

Growing heirlooms in the home garden helps preserve genetic diversity and biodiversity of plant species. Learn more about 12 heirlooms to try this spring.
USB Chairman John Motter

John Motter operates his family's grain farm and helps promote the soybean industry, through his work on USB.
liquified natural gas exports

Liquefied natural gas exports expected to drive growth in U.S. natural gas trade; U.S. could be net exporter of natural gas by 2018.

If you can't resolve financial stress before it's severe, selling inventory and capital assets or liquidating cash and investments can help.
truck unloading corn

From grain merchandiser Marlin Clark: We not seeing bullish grain markets, and so far we have no news to turn them in that direction.