Monday, May 6, 2024
harvesting soybeans

U.S. corn prices, which have been trading somewhat independently of the beans, have not seen the gains of the soybeans, following the recent USDA report.

Not every log is created equally. There are various factors to consider when selecting, storing and seasoning firewood.
Daniel Reeder

Daniel Reeder won the 2017 Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association Auction Bid Calling Contest, Jan. 11, at the Pennsylvania Farm Show.
drainage and waterway, WOTUS

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether jurisdiction for the Clean Water Act rule known as WOTUS rests with the federal district or appellate courts.
produce meeting vendors

Mid-Ohio produce growers meeting draws large crowd at new building in Mount Hope.
Capitol dome, Washington D.C., Farm and Dairy file photo

The Republican and Democrat members of the House Agriculture Committee have been appointed and are gearing up for a full plate, including the next farm bill.
perennial wheat, wheatgrass

Scientists at Washington State University have combined wheat and wheatgrass in a new hybrid perennial grain crop

Eat in-season during winter by growing food indoors, using season-extending structures and supplementing with food from the cellar, pantry and freezer.
Walter Barn

CARROLLTON, Ohio — As a kid, Alan Walter found old barns simultaneously scary — because of the dust and cobwebs — and interesting —...
Buckboard restoration

Jim Bates of Salem, Ohio, restored his great-grandmother's 1880s wagon. Mary Eliza Filson Shaw was a one-room schoolhouse teacher in Columbiana County.