Sunday, May 5, 2024
corn soybeans waterway conservation

Building on the 2014 farm bill, program allows private entities, other partners to invest in regional conservation projects.

The planting reality is that we caught up this week in good weather, and if the sun shines and we get a little rain on time, we will continue to expect big crops.

In addition to cereal leaf beetle, alfalfa weevil and black cutworm, crop growers need to be on the lookout for slugs, especially in fields with a history of slug damage

I had the opportunity to assist corn and soybean farmers near the town of Catandica in west central Mozambique in Africa on my third CNFA Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) volunteer assignment.

By CATHY BERG As I sit here today in my office watching the trees sway in the wind, and admiring the beautiful hostas, irises and...

On May 8, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction forecasted a 65 percent chance of El Nino developing during the summer of 2014.

The future prices of both corn and wheat have increased significantly, reflecting risk in the market.
Court gavel

STEUBENVILLE, Ohio — A Jefferson County farmer lost his court battle with the Hess Corporation in May. However, other area landowners may benefit from another...

With a dry spell finally in place, many farmers spent Memorial Day weekend beginning and finishing spring planting.

Honoring active military members and veterans does not have to be an elaborate undertaking.