Saturday, May 4, 2024
frost on leaves

Just like it’s important to know the last frost date in the spring, it’s crucial for home gardeners to know when the first expected frost date will occur in the fall.
cows standing in a field of grass

Creating a robust grassfed, organic dairy supply chain could be the way forward for small dairy farms in Pennsylvania.

Farm bill conference took years to reach — members hope it doesn't take years to finish
Soil test

There are five principles of soil health that all farmers need to pay attention to in their fields.
inari Seed Foundry at Purdue

At the Seed Foundry at Purdue, Inari plans to make changes to genes to deliver desired field performance through customized seeds for microclimates around the world.

The hemlock woolly adelgid has been discovered in Ohio. The insect, native to Asia, threatens two hemlock tree species native to the eastern U.S.

The Great Dayton Flood of 1913 is the worst natural disaster in Ohio history. March marked the 100th anniversary of the event.

Energy, regulations and the climate dominated the conversation during a roundtable Congressman Tim Ryan hosted last week for a group of local farmers.

This Knox County farm keeps improving, and now supports sheep, cattle, poultry and swine.
equip on road 3 resized

Catch up on some quick tips as we approach a time of the year when motorists and farmers will be sharing roadways more frequently.