Sunday, May 5, 2024

A new photography exhibit at the Ohio Historical Society focuses on the lives of those living in Appalachian communities.

Ohio Farm Bureau received the American Farm Bureau's Pinnacle Award, which recognizes outstanding accomplishments in programming and membership.
Crowds at the 2013 Pennsylvania Farm Show

This year's Pennsylvania Farm Show recorded record attendance. An estimated 585,000 visitors attended the nation's largest indoor agriculture event.

Most of us are science illiterate. That's why emotion and public perception steers policy, not science. A GMO opponent changes his mind.
cuts of pork

Meat exports are up from 2011 levels. Major importers include Canada, Hong Kong and South America.

Drought of 2012 could affect forage quality through the winter.
Ford motor company bumper crop

About 120 million pounds of damaged vehicle parts have been processed through the Ford Core Recovery Program since its inception.

The farm bill and dairy policy was on the minds and lips of government officials at the annual government luncheon held during the 97th annual Pennsylvania Farm Show.

Farmers and landowners everywhere -- every year -- overlook some of the basics that would help them save money or make money. So we decided to create a list of ways to lose money this year (in hopes that you'll not take our advice).

Test confirms presence of drug acepromazine. State's zero tolerance policy results in a disqualification.