Can you identify Item No. 1276?

Item No. 1276
Item No. 1276

Somehow, I passed over a guess from Bill Tice on Item No. 1274, and just uncovered it Monday — I’m sorry, Bill, it’s been a hectic past month. He emailed at the end of August to inform us that Item No. 1274 is most definitely a shaker grate handle off a coal stove.


While Item No. 1274 continues to generate feedback, Item No. 1275’s trail has apparently gone cold. We had a few guesses, including soap mold, cornbread pan and potentially used to make bricks. However, after three weeks in print, we have to move on to a new mystery.


Item No. 1276
Item No. 1276

Item No. 1276 doesn’t look like it’s going to be any easier to identify than our last two, but we need a win, so I need you guys to dig deep!

Tim Miller discovered Item No. 1276 while he was metal detecting at an 1820s to 1830s homesite. It is approximately 6 inches long, tapering down into a point, and a 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch wide.

If you have any thoughts on Item No. 1276, email us at, comment on this Hazard A Guess? post or send mail to Hazard a Guess?, in care of Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.


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