Hazard A Guess: Week of Oct. 8, 2009


Hello from Hazard!

We are still getting guesses for Item No. 872!

We showed the photo of the Ford wrench (some call them a “monkey wrench”), but owner Jim Hudkins wanted to know specifically what the little square projection on the end of the handle was used for.

We found through all our submissions that the wrench had many uses — to remove drain plugs, spark plugs and transmission plugs; to adjust distributors and water pumps; to pry a tire off the rim of a Model T; a brake adjustment tool; or to take the plug out of the back on a Model A Ford to check for grease.


Item No. 872

Our sincere thanks to the following readers: Tammy Tucker of Salt Lake City; Kenny Smith of Cottageville, W.Va.; Marion Frank of Loudonville, Ohio; Morry Young of Bristolville, Ohio; Donna Craver of Garrettsville, Ohio; Earl Reynolds of Monaca, Pa; Paul Rowlands of Massillon, Ohio (Paul has worked on Model A Fords for 41 years); Ron Hyde of Westerville, Ohio; Tim Goddard of Medina, Ohio (In 1967, Tim’s grandfather gave him a 1926 Model T for his 16th birthday. While he was learning to drive the Model T, he had many flat tires and discovered the wrench could be used to remove the tire from the rim); Wyatt Petek of Medina; Bob Valone of North East, Pa.; Bob Haake of Strongsville, Ohio; John Hershberger; and Roger Anderson.

* * *

We are going to show Item No. 873 again. The mailbag was empty on this item.

Item No. 873

and a closeup of Item No. 873

Steve Zerefos of Howland, Ohio, shares these photos of a #16 sledge. His mystery question is why there’s a hole cast in the back that’s about 5/8-inch in diameter and 1 1/4-inch deep. What was it used for?

Someone must know. Write to: Hazard a Guess, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or via e-mail to: editorial@farmanddairy.com.

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