A roundup of 4-H news for the week of April 18, 2013:


CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — The upcoming Zane Trace FFA officer team traveled to Fairfield Union March 13 to learn more about their new responsibilities in the chapter.

Along with the new officer team, David Glass and Audrey Hoey also came to find out how to apply for a state office. After an opening speech from the current state president, Shelby Faulkner, everyone split off into different rooms according to their new office. In these rooms, students were taught how to improve their FFA chapter through their officer responsibilities.

Many groups even had leadership games, such as a back-to-back drawing game to work on teamwork, and a treasury matching game for Amber Ginter to brush up on her economical terms.

In addition, the Zane Trace FFA just completed their annual strawberry sale fundraiser and community service event. The Zane Trace FFA raised a total of $727.75, donating $250 to the CROP Church World Services Foundation. Maeann Jones and Tristen Jenkins were the chapter’s top sellers, and will be recognized at the chapter banquet in May.

CROP Church World Services is a nonprofit organization that is committed to sustainability and works to eradicate hunger and promote peace and justice around the world. The Zane Trace FFA has worked with CROP Church World Services throughout year, donating over one-thousand dollars, and raising awareness for the foundation its projects.

The Zane Trace FFA is a chapter committed to community service, and their strawberry sale is a service learning experience. Members are able to build their entrepreneurship and communications abilities, while building up the chapter’s finances and supporting a local nonprofit.

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CHARDON, Ohio — Geauga Dairymen 4-H club held a meeting April 7. The members finalized details to attend Dairy Palooza in Wooster May 4 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. All the club members, advisers and several parents plan to attend and the club will cover the registration cost.

The Tractor Supply Company Paper Clover Campaign is taking place May 8-18.

A report from the recent 4-H sales committee was given explaining the dairy baskets will sell first at the livestock sale during the fair.

The adviser shared information about the cows some of the members will borrow to show at the 2013 Geauga County Fair. All animals should be selected by mid-May so members can start working with them.

The second half of the meeting focused on Quality Assurance. Topics discussed included animal housing, animal identification, maintaining records, animal treatment/ethics and medications.

The next meeting will be held on May 7 at 4 p.m. Anyone interested in joining Geauga Dairyman should contact Emma Niehus at 440-221-3812.

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MOUNDSVILLE, Ohio — The Ridge Runners 4-H Club met April 9 at the Roberts Ridge Volunteer Fire Department’s social hall.

New business consisted of the plans for this weekend’s volunteering at the Community Kitchen in Moundsville, April 23 Teen Leader and Leader’s meeting, April 27 clay shoot fundraiser for Shooting Sports, May 4 lamb weigh in, May 11 Blue and Gold Show, May 13 Dairy Club meeting, and May 18 market goat weigh in and Fun Show.

Marshall County 4-H camp dates announced were June 10-14 for older camp and June 17-21 for younger camp. The theme of the camp revolves around West Virginia’s 150th birthday.

Greyson Rine did a demonstration of rabbit showmanship, Ashlie Conner demonstrated dog obedience, Audrey Rine also did a demonstration on rabbit showmanship, and Gretchen Rine pointed out some meat goat body parts.

The next meeting will be held May 14 at Annette Clark’s barn. Austin and Owen Ruckman will do talks and demonstrations.

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